
(Accurate, affordable, stomatal conductance measurement)

A porometer is a scientific instrument used to measure the rate of transpiration from plant leaves or the stomatal conductance of plants. Transpiration is the process by which plants release water vapor into the atmosphere through tiny openings called stomata on their leaves. Stomatal conductance refers to the ease with which water vapor can escape from the leaf surface through these stomatal openings. The primary function of a porometer is to assess the water status and physiological health of plants by measuring their transpiration rates or stomatal conductance. This information is crucial for understanding how plants regulate water loss, especially in response to changing environmental conditions such as humidity, temperature, and light intensity.

Porometer By LI-COR

LI-600N Porometer/ Fluorometer

The LI-600N Porometer/ Fluorometer is the only instrument that measures the stomatal conductance and chlorophyll fluorescence of a single needle, narrow leaf, or blade of grass.